We can deliver MPH Ditch Ploughs asap

The max. working speed of MPH Ditch Plough is 8.5 km/h and 1,3 m deep ditches are doable at once. The working speed of MPH Ditch Plough is rather nice and our reference is around 4 km/h taking into account the turns and transition between the field blocks. The minimum recommended tractor size is 130 […]

MPH Trailer 30XL and 28 bales

Figure 1. MPH Trailer 30XL and 28 bales. MPH Trailer 30XL with bale side supports was delivered to a horse farm customer. The farm uses about 200 bales in a year and the farm host retrieves bales from another farm 40 km away. There is a lot of other traffic on the route, e.g. heavy […]